Ascendly logo science-like face made of blocks and number and atom-hair the word Ascendly making up the mouth

Everybody Loves Robots has renamed itself Ascendly

After some gnashing of teeth, I’ve rebranded Everybody Loves Robots to Ascendly.  I hope you like the new name.  This endeavor started by focusing on making robots, but quickly expending to teaching the basic engineering process and, eventually, other STEM topics, too.  As such, I wanted a more generic name and more more international-friendly name.  It doesn’t hurt that it is easier to type, too.


The new, contest winning, logo

We even have a snazzy custom-designed logo.  The logo is the result of a crowd-sourced contest at  There were several decent entries but we finally settled on the one you see here.  I hope to get a lot of mileage out of the logo.