Electrical Engineering (EE) is a new enrichment course the gives kids a solid introduction to how electricity works and the field of electrical engineering. Through many cool hands-on activities, your kiddo will encounter first hand, visceral experiences that help them internalize how to think like an electrical engineering and gain real, practical skills. They’ll start by working with squishy circuits – an awesome way to get a feel for circuits, lighting up LEDs, spinning motors, and sounding buzzers, all with home-made PlayDoh wires.
The kids will graduate from squishy circuits to Snap Circuits. This popular educational kit shows the kids real electronic components while adding built-in safety catches so kids can focus on “making it work” instead of “why it broke“. They’ll use two custom Snap Circuit kits that we’ve put together for just this course.
Throughout the course, the kids will also work on several custom take-home projects. These won’t be toys – they use real raw electronic components to make something fun. They’ll proudly point to their creation and say, “I made that!”
This course lays the foundation for advanced electrical projects and both prepares for, and builds upon, standard electricity & magnetism academics
Students will graduate with a the confidence and skills of a junior electrical engineer.
- Fun, hands-on, projects for future electrical engineers: learn to hack electronics
- What to expect:
- Internalizing circuits, electronics, and basic electrical devices. This isn’t about following instructions in a book, this is about real electronic hacking, laying the foundation for Sr. Electrical Engineering. Experience real engineering, not child’s play!
- Experiencing electricity centric projects seldom seen in school
- Using individual kits & professional tools, such as digital multi-meters (DMMs)
- Learning a new concept, then exercising their knowledge with Squishy Circuits, then Snap Circuits, then solderless breadboards
- For enthusiastic learners, doing optional challenge exercises at home
- This course lays the foundation for advanced electrical projects and both prepares for, and builds upon, standard electricity & magnetism academics
- Parents are encouraged to observe and/or help. Parents can drop-in at any time.